◆府城歷史散步之旅Introduction of Tainan City Walking Tour-POSITIVE
◆府城歷史散步之旅Introduction of Tainan City Walking Tour-Back
◆安平老街巡禮-Anping Old Street Walking Tour-POSITIVE
The history of Taiwan starts from Anping
The story of Taiwan begins at Anping
The name,Taiwan,comes from Anping(Dayuan)
Fort Zeelandia,Taiwan's first and oldest fort(Anping Fort)
City Zeelandia-Taiwan's first and oldest city(Anping Old Street)
Taiwan's first international trading harbor(Dayuan Harbor)
Taiwan's first merchant house(Old Tait&Co.Merchant House)
•安平樹屋(Anping Tree House)Open hours:08:30~17:30 Admission:Adult/Ntd 50;Children/Ntd 25 No.108,Gubao St.古堡街108號
•德記洋行(Old Tait & Co.Merchant House)Open hours:08:30~17:30 Admission:Adult/Ntd 50;Children/Ntd 25 No.108,Gubao St.古堡街108號
•朱玖瑩紀念館(Chu Jiou-ying Memorial Hall)Open hours:08:30~17:30 Admission:Free Next to the Old Tait & Co. Merchant House 古堡街德記洋行旁
•台鹽日式宿舍(Former Taiyen Dormitory)Open hours:09:00~17:00 Admission:Free No.12,Alley 1,Lane 233,Anbei Rd.安北路233巷1弄12號
•東興洋行(Former Julius Mannich Merchant House)Open hours:10:00~22:00 Admission:Free No.3,Lane 233,Anbei Rd.安北路233巷3號
•安平小炮台(Anping Minor Artillery Battery)Open hours:All day Admission:Free Intersection of Anping Rd.and Hunei 2nd St.安平路與湖內二街夾角
•西帝龍殿(Silong Temple) No.12,Lane 35,Guosheng Rd.國勝路35巷12號
•王雞屎洋宅(Wangjishi's Residence) Open hours:Only the exterior of the residence is open to the public Admission:Free No.2,Lance 35,Guosheng Rd. 國勝路35巷2號
•安平開台天后宮(Anping Kaitai Matsu Temple)Open hours:07:00~22:00 No.33,Guosheng Rd.國勝路33號
•安平古堡(Anping Fort)Open hours:08:30~17:30 No.82,Guosheng Rd.國勝路82號
•熱蘭遮城博物館(Fort Zeelandia Museum) Open hours:08:30~17:30 Admission:Adult/Ntd 50;Children/Ntd 25 No.82,Guosheng Rd.國勝路82號
•安平鄉土文化館(Anping Local Culture Center) Open hours:10:00~12:00 ;14:00~16:00 (No noon break during the weekend;recess on Mondays) Admission:Free No.64,Guanyin St.觀音街64號
•安平觀音亭(Anping Guanyin Pavilion) Open hours:10:00~12:00 ;14:00~16:00 Admission:Free No.33,Guanyin St.觀音街33號
•安平老街區(延平街 、效忠街 、中興街)Anping Old Street (Yanping St.,Sialjhong St.,Jhongsing St.)
•海山館(Haishan Hostel)Open hours:10:00~18:00 ;Weekend & Holiday 10:00~19:00 Admission:Free No.7,Lane 52,Siaojhong St.效忠街52巷7號
•海頭社魏宅(Wei's Single-armed Old House)Open hours:Only the exterior of the residence is open to the public Admission:Free No.6,Lane 121,Anbei Rd.安北路121巷16弄6號
•三信合作社分社(Tainan Third Credit Cooperation) No.62,Gubao St.古堡街62號
•林默娘公園(Linmoniang Park)
•億載金城(Eternal Golden Castle)
•蚵灰窯文化館(Anping Oyster Shell Cement Kiln Culture Chamber)
•札哈木原住民公園(Jhahamu Aboriginal Cultural Park)
•金城里遊憩碼頭(Jincheng Recreational Wharf)
• 台南運河, 四草大橋, 永漢民藝館, 臺灣城殘蹟, 運河博物館, 劍獅公園, 安平港, 港濱歷史公園, 觀夕平台, 延平街古井, 望月橋, 乾隆海堤, 妙壽宮, 安平漁人碼頭, 橋頭公園, 兌悅門
◆安平老街巡禮-Anping Old Street Walking Tour-BACK
▲南鯤鯓代天府Nankunshen Temple
▲北門遊客中心Beimen Visitor Center
▲台灣烏腳病醫療紀念館Taiwan Blackfoot Disease Socio-Medical Service Memorial House
▲井仔腳瓦盤鹽田Jingzaijiao Tile-paved Salt Fields
▲王爺信仰文物館(三寮灣東隆宮)Wangye Cultural Gallery (beside Sanliaowan Donglong Temple)
▲馬沙溝濱海遊憩區Mashagou Coastal Recreation Area
▲七股塩山Cigu Salt Mountains
▲台灣鹽博物館Taiwan Salt Mseum
▲台江國家公園六孔管理站 Liukong Station,Taijiang National Park
▲黑面琵鷺生態展示館Black-faced Spoonbill Ecology Exhibition Hall
★2014冰果室 美食主題地圖-正面 2014冰果室 美食主題地圖-BACK
★2014虱目魚 美食主題地圖-POSITIVE 2014虱目魚 美食主題地圖-BACK
★2014台南清燙牛肉節 美食主題地圖-POSITIVE 2014台南清燙牛肉節 美食主題地圖-BACK
"Travel in Taiwan.Touch your Heart" One Hundred Recommended Travel Routes That"Touch Your Heart"
A.Sicao Wildlife Protection Area,Tainan-->B. Black-faced Spoonbill Ecology Exhibition,Cigu Hall-->c. Cigu Lagoon (take a ride on the raft)-->D. Taiwan Salt Museum-->E. Cigu Salt Mountains -->F. Beimen Jingzaijiao Tile-paved Salt Fields
★Local Culture
The Religious Tour of Fishing and Salt Industry around West Coast Recommended by Michelin and the Taiwan High Speed Rail Tour
A.Taiwan Salt Museum-->B.Route 1(The Religious Tour of Fishing and Salt Industry around West Coast Recommended by Michelin):Tainan,set out-->Visiting Sccenic Spots Recommended by the Michelin Green Guide--Nanjunshen Temple,Cultural Gallery of Nankunshen-->C.Visit Tainan Celebrities and Famous Families-->D. Southwest Coast National Scenic Area -Beimen Travel Service Center -->E. Taiwan Blackfoot Disease Socio-Medical Service Memorial House-->F.Jingzaijiao Tile-paved Salt Fields-->G. Sicao Green Tunnel -->H. Route 2 (Taiwan High Speed Rail Tour):Tainan or Kaohsiung,set out -->Visiting Sccenic Spots Recommended by the Michelin Green Guide-->Nankunshen Temple -->D.Southwest Coast National Scenic area-Beimen Travel Service Center-->J. Jingzaijiao Tile-paved Salt Fields-->K. Cigu Salt Mountains -->L.Seafood Street at Cigu(lunch)-->M. Taiwan Salt Museum-->Sicao Green Tunnel -->O.Anping Old Street
★Historical Sites in Tainan:
A. Sacrificial Rites Martial Temple -->B. Grand Mazu Temple -->C.Chihkan Tower -->D. Anping Old Street -->Anping Fort (Old Tait & CO.Merchant House)-->F.Eternal Golden Castle
★Contemporary Culture(Culture and Art in Tainan)
A. Chimei Museum -->B. Ten Drum Art Percussion Village -->C. Wutiaogang Cultural Park (Haian Temple/Jie Gaun Ting /Yaowang Teemple /Yueyue Gate-->Haian Rd.,the Art Street
★Customs and Religions- In-Depth Tour of Yanshuei Town and Yanshuei Firecracker:
A.Ciaonan Old Street(coffee)-->B. Yuejin Aquatic Park -->C. Dajhong Temple -->D. Bajiao Building -->E. Martial Temple (Firecracker)
★Customs and Religions
★2-Day Tour of Wangye Culture:
A.Day1 :Madou Daitian Temple (Wuwang Temple)-->B. Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center -->C. Haipu Chiwang Temple -->Syuejia Ciji Temple -->E. Nankunshen Temple (accommodation)-->F. Day2: Nankunshen Temple -->G.Jingzaijiao Tile-paved Salt Filds-->H. Wangye Cultural Gallery (beside Donglong Temple)-->I. Ouwan Wenheng Temple -->J. Jiali Jintang Temple -->Jiali Singihengsing Temle-->L.Sigang Cingan Temple
★Tourism Factory of Tainan-POSITIVE ★Tourism Factory of Tainan-BACK
★The Backyard Garden of Tainan Beautiful Landscape and Waterscape Tourist Map
★The Backyard Garden of Tainan Beautiful Landscape and Waterscape Tourist Map-BACK